Failure - The Key to Success

πŸ“© 30 applications.
🀝 9 first interviews.
❌ 6 rejections.
βœ… 3 offers.

In the past two years, I have faced a lot of failure. I have been rejected at least six times from many companies that I truly believed I belonged at, and I felt so useless when I was denied.

What got me through those defeats was always remembering that (as cheesy as it sounds!) everything happens for a reason.

πŸ’‘ I realized that those internships were not the right path for me, and that at least I had learned something by preparing for them and interviewing with such talented people.

πŸ‘€ Now, when I look back, I can see that all the effort I put into other companies’ interview processes actually contributed to me getting an offer from LinkedIn.

It is impossible to avoid failure - Learning to grow from it and keeping a positive attitude is key to success!


See the full post here.


Allyship In The Workplace