Recognizing Your Value

When I was 16, I applied for an internship at Instagram.

The internship was meant for college graduates, and I was a junior in high school.

My dad encouraged me by saying that, as a teenager, I was Instagram’s real target market. He never once doubted my qualifications.

If I could explain my perspective in my cover letter they might consider me.

So I did exactly that.

Obviously, I did not get the internship - I was extremely under qualified.

However, I did gain some valuable lessons:

📝Don’t be intimidated by application requirements.
(In order to apply for a job women feel they need to meet 100% of the criteria, while men usually apply after meeting about 60%!)

🚀 Shoot high, even when you don’t think you’ll make it.

🧭 Recognize your self-worth and the value you can add to a company from any level.


I wouldn’t be at LinkedIn if I didn’t have the courage to apply for the internship in the first place.

I see too many people, especially students, who avoid applying to their dream jobs because they sell themselves short.

To those of you in that position, what’s stopping you from applying? What could you possibly gain, even if you don’t get an offer?

“Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars”

See the full post here.


Creating A Meaningful Internship


Changing Your Perspective